Adam Flater » Abstract Class Tech, UX, Design Fri, 13 Dec 2013 05:00:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Abstract Classes in Flex Sun, 04 Mar 2007 23:47:00 +0000 adamflater I recently found the need to implement an Abstract Class in a package I was writing for an SDK. When I searched out the methods that others had used in an attempt to “fake” an Abstract Class I felt they fell short. Most of the other solutions involve protecting the constructor of the Abstract Class so that it may only be instantiated by a child class. That’s pretty close, but what those solutions left out was the ability to defined abstract properties and functions. Here’s what my solution looks like:

The Abstract Class:

package abstractclass.exanple

import abstractclass.util.AbstractClassUtils;
import flash.utils.describeType;

public class ExampleAbstractClass

 public function ExampleAbstractClass() {
           this, ExampleAbstractClass,


import mx.controls.Button;
import mx.core.UIComponent;

class AbstractDefinitions {

   public static var THIS_STATIC_PROPERTY:UIComponent;
   public var thisNonStaticProperty:String;

   public static function test(name:String, val:int=0) : int {return 0}

   public function nonStatic(blah:Button) : UIComponent {return null}


As you can see, the abstract properties and methods are defined in an inner class called AbstractDefinitions. These definitions are enforced by the call to AbstractClassUtils.enforceAbstractClass() in the constructor. Any sub classes are forced to implement these properties and methods.

How it works… The utility class uses introspection to ensure that the Objects are defined correctly. Introspection can be a fairly expensive operation, so use this method with care. You can always removed the enforceAbstractClass call when you put the code into production.

If you’d like to use this technique in your own apps, you can download my utility here: abstractclass.swc.

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