Adam Flater » Degrafa Tech, UX, Design Fri, 13 Dec 2013 05:00:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New to flexlib: CSSPropertyInjector Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:20:00 +0000 adamflater As my first contribution to flexlib I’ve been developing a utility class called “CSSPropertyInjector“. The CSSPropertyInjector class is used to apply styles from CSS to an Object that has properties that are not stylable or on Objects that are generally not stylable. Another nice feature of CSSPropertyInjector is the ability to specify multiple styleNames. This util will also allow multiple style selectors. The basic idea is that you bind a target object to the injector and set a styleName value. Given those two properties are set, the injector will automatically set styles or properties on the target object. Granted, it is possible to do a lot of stuff with this util that are questionable in terms of best practices, but it does give the option to apply styles to objects that never had the option in the past. So, without delay, on to examples.

Flex 3 with multiple selectors:

This example shows how powerful CSS can be with the ability to apply multiple selectors to each component. Each style is used generically and applied to a component regardless of the component’s type. So, we’re able to share a “redBorder” selector between button1, innerBox, and button2 without adding unique styles about the button’s text colors, padding, etc to the “redBorder” selector.

Degrafa skin with styled elements:

This example shows a simple Degrafa circle with it’s style properties (color, angle, alpha) abstracted into CSS. From a skinning perspective the lack of styles in Degrafa has always been just a little annoying for me. On large, enterprise applications it is essential to create conventional approaches to tasks performed throughout the app. Skinning is one of these tasks. Without the support of CSS, styling a Degrafa skin is much different than styling a halo skin, but now with the CSSPropertyInjector util a similar styling approach can be taken with both skins types.

Flex Chart with styled elements:

Another painful set of elements to style is the Flex Charting Framework. In this example you’ll see that the color and weight of stroke of the LineSeries is styled using CSS.

Flex 4 FXG with styled elements:

FXG is similar to Degrafa and easily styled using CSSPropertyInjector.

So, this is a start for CSSPropertyInjector. It’s checked into flexlib and ready for you to play with. I look forward to your feedback on making this a complete addition to flexlib. Please feel free to leave a comment on this post, e-mail me directly, or comment in the flexlib Google Code project.

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Web Maniacs 2008 Fri, 16 May 2008 05:25:00 +0000 adamflater

When I originally submitted two topics for Web Maniacs a few months ago I figured I might end up presenting one of them. Now I’m doing four.

In order of appearance:

9a, Wed: Advanced Skinning and Component Development

This session will actually be more about skinning and less about component development. After presenting this topic at 360 Flex | Atlanta I learned that the CS3 design extensions and general Flex skinning techniques are more than enough info to fill a session. I’ll be happy to answer any questions on component development, but the focus of the talk will be all the different ways to create skins. There are various pros and cons associated with each skinning method and we’ll talk a bit about those as well.

2p, Wed: The Merapi Project – A Framework for Bridging Java and AIR

merapiLogo-largeI’ll be presenting some samples applications in this session and answering questions regarding the project. We’ll be entering a private alpha cycle during Web Maniacs, so this is an exciting time for Merapi. If you have an interest in how to push the boundaries of AIR to extend into Java at the desktop, come check out this session.

9a, Thu: Design Patterns and Architecture Frameworks

In this session I’ll be presenting several of the design patterns found in the classic Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides text “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software,” with a Flex twist. Some of these patterns appear the the Flex framework, some appear in Flex application frameworks, and some are just common patterns used in the everyday life of an OO developer. This talk is focused towards the intermediate to expert level object oriented programmer.


11a, Thu: Flex Open Source Panel Discussion

This panel discussion will include founders and contributors from various open source projects in the Flex community. I’ll introduce the panel and each project that’s represented. Then, we’ll pose some general questions about open source technology and the implications on using OS projects in your Flex applications. As we wrap up, we’ll take general questions on OS as well as specific questions for the panel regarding the projects they work on. If you’re interested in being on the panel, please contact me at adamflater at gmail dot com.

Whew… I think that’s about it. See you all in D.C. and watch my blog for assets from these talks.

thanks for reading


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