The Future of Artemis


There has been a bit of buzz around Artemis lately, so I thought I’d do a quick update on what up for Artemis.

First off, my friend Louie Penaflor at Tapper Nimer and Associates Digital Primates has been doing some cool stuff with Artemis and scanners. Check out his recent blog on it: Going beyond the boundaries of AIR.

Secondly, Louie along with Andrew Powell and myself are starting a new project to take over where Artemis left off. There will be a new name, a new framework, and cool new libraries to play with.

Stay tuned…..

5 thoughts on “The Future of Artemis

  1. Tizisa

    I’ve a problem with Artemis. When I close my AIR application, socket with framework stay opened. So java on the server requires 100% of CPU. How can I solve this problem?
    Another question: how can I run Artemis bridge as a service?
    Where can I find the new project?

  2. Adam Flater

    @tizisa The framework will not be available for at least a few weeks. You can watch my blog for announcements.

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