Tag Archives: Roundarch

Flash Camp Chicago – Building RIAs with Style Resources

As promised, here are the links that were referenced in my talk. Vector Graphics – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_graphics Raster Graphics – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raster_graphics F*CSS Site – http://fcss.flashartofwar.com Source – http://github.com/theflashbum/fcss Quick start – http://fcss.flashartofwar.com/quick-start-guide Jesse Freeman – @theflashbum http://flashartofwar.com/ FlexFormatter http://sourceforge.net/projects/flexformatter/ http://flexformatter.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/FlexFormatter/FlexPrettyPrintCommandUpdateSite/ (Eclipse software update URL) Thanks to Flash Camp Chicago for having me present and to Roundarch [...]

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Merapi Session from BFlex

Today was the Flex portion of the BFusion/BFlex here in Bloomington, IN. I presented on integration native code in Flex with Merapi here at Indiana University. The main example we worked through involved automating Excel in Flex using Merapi .NET. The code for the example is checked into our Merapi Example repository. I thought a [...]

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Dash and Console View (In Car)

Tesla Motors Model S Prototype

In early 2009 Roundarch and Tesla Motors partnered together to work on concepts for the Tesla Model S in-dash experience. The prototype used a framework that Adam co-created called Merapi. This framework enabled the dash user interface (an Adobe Flex/AIR application) to integrate with hardware in the car. Adam helped implement the ideas Tesla and [...]

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Roundarch and Tesla Highlight Next-Generation Driving Experience at Adobe MAX 2009

LOS ANGELES–Executives and engineers from interactive software pioneer Roundarch and leading electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Motors will outline the next-generation driving experience at Adobe MAX 2009, one of the world’s most popular developer conferences. Roundarch, a leader in digital design and implementation focused on building enterprise class Web sites, Web applications and next-generation “screen-based” experiences, [...]

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New to flexlib: CSSPropertyInjector

As my first contribution to flexlib I’ve been developing a utility class called “CSSPropertyInjector“. The CSSPropertyInjector class is used to apply styles from CSS to an Object that has properties that are not stylable or on Objects that are generally not stylable. Another nice feature of CSSPropertyInjector is the ability to specify multiple styleNames. This [...]

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Merapi is Open!

I was proud to announce with Andrew Powell today at 360 Flex | Indy, that Merapi is now officially open source. We’ve released the first public beta on Google Code as well as opened a Google Group. There is also a repo for Merapi examples. Here are the important links: http://merapi.googlecode.com/ http://merapi-examples.googlecode.com/ http://groups.google.com/group/merapi-project To find [...]

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The Tesla Model S – Touch-Screen User Experience is Powered by Roundarch’s Merapi Project

By: Dave Meeker It is a exciting time in the world of Web technology and User Experience design. With every passing week at Roundarch, It becomes more clear to me that consumers are embracing these changes and that companies that provide products and services to those consumers are listening. We’ve reached a point where the [...]

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