Category Archives: Development

LFFS – 1: Meet the Authors, Meet Flex

Our first post is up on the O’Reilly Inside RIA Site. LFFS – 1: Meet the Authors, Meet Flex This first post is an introduction of Scott and myself and a way to set a base for what we’ll be up to in the coming posts. Our next post is called Flex Defined. In Flex [...]

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New Animation Library from Mims Wright – KitchenSync

Mims Wright has just released a new animation library. I haven’t tried it out yet, but it looks pretty cool. Quoting the wiki: “KitchenSync was designed for developers who want a smart way to handle animation or other time-based functionality with code. Written from the ground up in ActionScript 3.0, KitchenSync relies on smart object-oriented [...]

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360|Flex Atlanta : Advanced Skinning and Component Development

I’ll be speaking at the next 360|Flex conference coming up in Atlanta. If you’ve not been to a 360|Flex in the past, they’re great conferences and you should definitely check it out. Tom and John do a great job a putting these events on. There will be a ton of great speakers, include several from [...]

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The Battle of AIR and Light (Silver)

This post is in response to the recent battle of words ignited by a post from Mike Chambers called CommandProxy : .NET / AIR Integration Proof of Concept. Soon after Scott Barnes posted a response to Mike’s post called Adobe AIR + .NET Proxy – Concerns arise and a subsequent post RE: Adobe AIR + [...]

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