Category Archives: Development

Binding with Getters and Setters

In most of the Flex apps written these days there’s a need for applicattion level configuration data. It’s really nice to have this data sit in an XML file on a server somewhere so that it’s really easy to update. Typically I’m seeing stuff in these files like Copyright info, Terms of Service, maybe some [...]

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Team RIA Development – Part 2 – MVC – Part 1

My posts on team development will start from a beginners understanding of programming, working up to an advanced look at architecture and design. First thing’s first: What’s this MVC thing? MVC stands for Model-view-controller. MVC aims to separate, or decouple, data (model) from the user interface (view) and functional logic (controller). You can read a [...]

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Presenting at eBay Developers Conference

I’ll be presenting at the eBay Developers Conference on June 12th in Bosoton. My topic will be on using the eBay ActionScript SDK to create eBay Widgets. I was the lead develoepr on the eBay ActionScript SDK project. (Read more on Ryan Stewart’s Blog: This project leverages the Apache Axis toolkit to generate web [...]

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Η ιστορία Artemis (The Story of Artemis)

Artemis began as a proof of concept. One day, about 4 weeks ago I was working away in my office at effectiveUI when one of my bosses (although I’m sure he would object to that title), Brook, asked me about the feasibility of an application for a potential client. This is not an odd thing [...]

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